Hello World... Good to See You!

Drupal Appreciation Day is Every Day

Blue circle with white iconic imagery of two arrows spinning in an oval.

I remember when I first trial tested Open Source Content Management Systems to build a personal website, it was right on the cusp of Drupal 5 in January 2007. I installed Drupal 4.7 since that was the stable release at the time, and then was bombarded by bugs. Lots of bugs. At the same time, there was the beginnings of a really sweet system that would allow me to manage user accounts, access levels and even support the customization of content types. The next week, Drupal 5 hit the streets and I remember crossing my fingers during installation, having it all go smoothly.


All of Us Campaign Government Website for NIH in Drupal

All of Us campaign website for NIH.

The NIH All of Us campaign Drupal website that I launched in Acquia Cloud. I configured the website to meet agency guidelines for accessibility and security. I built in custom page component entities that were reusable and editable from the parent page editing form. I added a custom taxonomy that could scale as needed and was under full content manager control, creating interesting relationships between pages. I developed a custom deploy workflow that allowed for easy content staging with an approval process, while insulating the production environment from direct logins.


Download Link Labeler Drupal Module

Screenshot of Drupal Download Link Labeler Project

Websites that need to meet Section 508 Accessibility Rules and other government agency accessibility guidelines are tasked with the requirement to label links to downloadable content with the file type and file size of the referenced media, like PDFs. This creates the task of maintaining countless links entered into the body content of pages across the entire website. This task is nearly impossible to perform manually, considering that these links may reference external content on other websites not controlled by the content manager.


Drupal Upgrade for Catholic Health Services of Long Island

Catholic Health Services of Long Island website migration screenshot.

A Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 migration project where I was the Senior Drupal Developer on the team. The original Drupal 7 website was complex with many layers of work that needed to be migrated. The source data included 15 domains powered by the Domain Access module, over 30 Content Types, 3 Field Collections, Events with Repeating Date Ranges for start and end dates, over 50 Webforms with Submissions, and over 7,000 Media files that were embedded in body content of over 10,000 Pages and 50,000 Content Revisions.
